You are not meant to do life alone. The church is not a place, but a group of people. Life groups are where you can connect, grow and take next steps to fully follow Jesus with others. Find your life group today.
The structure of our Life Groups is typically 6-12 people who meet in homes around St. Thomas, Aylmer and Elgin County for the purpose of helping one another grow as disciples. Small groups provide you with the opportunity to follow Jesus together, by doing life with each other.
For more information on Life Groups, feel free to email Kerry.
Build strong and meaningful relationships with others
at Faith. These connections can provide support, encouragement, and a sense of community that can enrich your life. By fostering these relationships, you can cultivate a network of support and friendship as you
grow closer to God together.
Discover a deeper understanding of God's Word and experience personal growth as you draw closer to Him through a transformative journey of faith together.
Together, with your life group, get involved and take part in various opportunities to serve and give back around St.Thomas. Embracing these opportunities allows you to connect with others, make a difference, and create a more vibrant and caring community for everyone.
Life Groups Coordinator
To learn more, find out when the next Starting Point course begins or to join a life group, reach out to Kerry!